Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Shape of things!

In our maths work this term we are looking at shape, angles and bearings.
We have been making 3D shapes out of different materials and studying their nets. We've counted edges, faces and vertices and constructed skeletons. The hardest part is remembering the names!
Here we are constructing, counting and recording!

We've also been learning to identify and measure different types of angles. Using protractors accurately is a challenge but we were able to use them to work out bearings on maps and for other practical activities which let us see how they are used in real life situations.
We used protractors to make compasses and then tried them out for practical activities in the hall.
Island hopping

Using our bodies to make angles! This is 180 degrees!

How many degrees in this one?

Using bearings to place markers and then name the shapes we made.

Much concentration in evidence for this measuring task!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

La Nativité The Nativity Play in French

A very Happy 2013 to all our readers!

Before the Christmas break p7 learned a version of the nativity in French and performed it to p6. We aren't used to speaking French in public and tend to be a bit self conscious yet.
Have a look at the video of the result! 
(As we didn't have much time to practice it is not exactly polished!)