Monday, 10 June 2013

Sports Day

For the first time in years sports day was able to go ahead on the date that was planned and we had lovely weather.
The morning section was partly indoors in the arena at the Picky Centre and some activities on the track outside.
Our potted sports consisted of Beat the goalie, Bocchia, javelin throwing and curling. There were parachute games and Westray dodgeball also inside.


Beat the goalie

Throwing the javelin

Parachute fun!

Westray dodgeball

Outside at the race track we had some rugby training activities.

In the afternoon it was time for some team competition! There was a great atmosphere of sportsmanship and lots of encouragement from team mates!

flat race

3 legged race

bib, hat and hoop

sack race

skipping race

and the winners are ...
Team captains Ronan and Abbie make their thank you speeches.

Here they are with the trophy.
P7 also had responsibility for helping to organise by running with the scores and returning equipment to the start line - it kept them very busy! 

p7 go to Lyness!

We caught the Houton ferry to Lyness on 30th May to round up our World War II topic from last term. The Scapa Flow visitor centre is a great place to visit and has so much to see that we didn't get round all the exhibits.
We were lucky with the weather and it made the trip even more enjoyable. 
We started with a nice walk to the cemetery where we investigated some headstones and got an idea of scale of loss. The cemetery has a special atmosphere and it made us realise how young so many of the lost servicemen were. It was interesting to see graves of men from other countries too.

On the boat

Gathering information from the headstones

Big guns!

Alanah trying to picture bomb!

We went into the empty oils tank to watch some videos of Lyness during the wars and learn a bit about the site.
Inside the oil tank.

We didn't have long left in the Interpretation Centre but there are many interesting exhibits.

Planning manoeuvres! 

Trying the uniforms ...

...and the tea!

What is this strange contraption?