Sunday, 10 March 2013

Beach cleaning

During the last three weeks we have all given up some of our lunchtime breaks to go to Scapa beach where we have been helping to clear away rubbish washed ashore by heavy seas and storms.
The beach was littered with bits of plastic, rope, packaging cord and all sorts of assorted 'disposable' items.

Each time we went we found something different! The most upsetting thing was finding creatures that had died and wondering what had caused them to die. Some of us had never seen a puffin before so it was sad that our first sight had to be a dead one.

We came across several birds, a seal and a sheep.

Some of the bits of rope and plastic were buried quite deeply in the sand and it took some effort to get them out.
The boys made a sled with some of the bigger stuff and used it to haul our pickings one day!

Every day we went we half filled the big bin so it was a good feeling to think about how many marine creatures we might have saved and it was satisfying to see the beach looking tidier.

There is still a lot of rubbish along the side of the road so plenty to do yet! I wonder if the council could bring along a machine to scoop it up? I think it calls for some letter writing!

We have had a good response from our posting on the Pick up three Pieces facebook page and all publicity helps.
Follow the link below and if you have a facebook account please like and share the page.

Another useful and interesting page to follow is the Orkney Beachcombers page:

See some more images of our clean up in the slideshow below.

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