Well our last day of activities - cold and occasional spots of rain but nothing to dampen enthusiasm. Although we did detect a slight reluctance to leave our warm beds at first - definitely not our earliest morning!
Everyone started off with having a go at the Silver Maze - a series of different challenges that could only be achieved with team work! What great fun and laughs we had!
Code breaking
Magic flute - the idea is to plug the holes, fill the tube with water and try to get the silver egg - but the bucket has holes too ...
So we got a bit wet!
A bit tricky to reach this one without touching the ground!
This is a minefield!
Who can remember the route through the grid?
Teamwork and trust required for the blindfold trail!
Definitely the blind leading the blind! |
Martyna:"I can't see and haven't a clue where we're going but this is such fun!" |
Now to get everyone through without touching the web!
A wobbly rope bridge!
Followed by a tunnel.
So close to the mud George!
Oh dear James!
We have to do what? |
A tight squeeze! |
Now that's a great way to travel! |
Watch your fingers! |
They have no idea what's going to happen next! |
Oh dear - another soaking!
The whole maze was such good fun and the team work was great to see.
The centre has a brilliant climbing wall that was full of different challenges.
warming up! |
Abseiling - up a very large and very old tree.
Singing Happy Birthday to Abbie. |
James: "Just imagine it's your mum up there and you have to rescue her." |
That did the trick! |
The face of achievement! |
The view from the top - look how high up I am! |
The abseiling was a great challenge for most of us but what a wonderful sense of achievement when we got there! Again there was much encouragement between people and celebration of success.
A barbecue tonight will bring a fun end to a fun week and I can imagine we will have a peaceful bus ride up the road as everyone will be worn out!
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